Scoping and Planning

Built on series of consultations, in February-March 2018, a survey was conducted amongst Members within the domain of TPRCC on the requirements and capabilities for RCC Services for the Third Pole Region. Results showed a clear indication by Members of interest in contributing to the TPRCC operation, either as a node lead or as a consortium member. In quick succession, there followed a Scoping Meeting on the TPRCC-Network Implementation (27-28 March, 2018, Geneva, Switzerland); and the TPRCC-Network Implementation Planning Meeting (13-14 December 2018, Beijing, China).

The Scoping Meeting on the TPRCC-Network Implementation discussed in–depth the potential structure of the future TPRCC-Network and brainstormed on important TPRCC-Network products and services beyond WMO RCC mandatory functions, taking into account specific requirements on cryosphere aspects. The meeting recognized that, while there are already designated WMO RCCs serving the region (e.g., RCC-Beijing, RCC-Tokyo, RCC-Pune), they do not adequately address the special needs across/over the Third Pole region, and that there is a need for a dedicated RCC arrangement to cater to the unique requirements of the large region.

At the Implementation Planning meeting, experts agreed upon key aspects in developing the Implementation Plan of the TPRCC-Network, and set up a plan for activities that will ensure the network to launch a demonstration phase. Affected by the unexpected COVID-19, this plan had to be postponed and the task team agreed to pursue the goal of entering into demonstration phase in early 2024, and consequently initiate the process of designation by WMO in about two years as planned.

Next step plan

The primary focus for demonstration phase will be to ensure conduct of Mandatory Functions, to the standards set out in the WMO Technical Regulations (as per the Manual on the GDPFS). The following actions are proposed in order to fully implement the TPRCC-Network during the Demonstration Phase with the guidance of relevant WMO subsidiary bodies:

· The TPRCC-Network Nodes will focus on establishing their operational capabilities to deliver the mandatory functions in each of the functional areas for the domain of their responsibility. Nodes Leads and contributing Members will endeavor to translate the implementation plan into an operational plan. The Network will also initiate an RCOF for the Third Pole region as a user interface platform, which is also a mechanism to understand user requirements and identify gaps.

· Taking into account the outcomes of the High Mountain Summit in October 2019, there are crucial research and development areas identified for the region with high priority, including development of downscaling methods for outputs from regional and global climate models tailored to Third Pole region; monitoring, seasonal prediction and risk assessment on special climatic events over Asian High Mountain regions; monitoring and prediction information on cryosphere-related disasters; regional projection over Asian High Mountain regions to assist development of adaptation strategies. These will be pursued as a second stage, after the mandatory requirements have been established operationally. The engagement of scientific community may be required to address the research needs.

All the above preparatory efforts being in place, actions will be taken to apply for formal WMO designation of TPRCC-Network. Further details on the process for designation of an RCC or RCC-Network are described in the document ‘How to establish and run a WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC)’ (WMO/TD-No. 1534).

Addressing gaps and challenges

High priority issues to be addressed during the Demonstration Phase include the following, related to the structure, governance and coordination of the Network, and to the full implementation of the Mandatory Functions:

· Consistency in methods and procedures for cross-Node operational products to be determined. While there are many climate monitoring and LRF products available at national levels, no process has yet been established to determine common methodologies (including algorithms, models, normal, formats, projections, etc.) that will help merge national and sub-regional products into seamless operational products to cover the entire Third Pole region.

· Improvement of accuracy, spatial resolution and applicability of operational products and climate-related information, based on limited observation and research in the Third Pole region, especially in high mountainous areas, with highly complex terrain.

· Establishment of sustained and efficient interactive mechanism between relevant and interested user communities – the Third Pole Climate Forum (TPCF). The Network agreed to explore the effective mechanism for communicating with users, and to sustain their engagement and benefiting from TPCF, as its flagship activity.

Establishing and operating the TPRCC-Network will be largely based on existing human and financial resources, but there will be new tools, training activities, and other activities that will require additional resources. It is greatly appreciated that the Nodes leads, technical partners/contributors, and contributing WMO Members are committed to this initiative and will collaborate closely to ensure the TPRCC-Network viable and sustained for the future.

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